23 September 2024
As pet owners, we must be mindful of our dogs’ physical responses, especially in warmer weather or after exercise. It’s no secret that a big way dogs cool their body down is by heavy panting. While it’s a normal way for them to cool down, something a lot of pet owners may not know is it can be potentially dangerous to give your dog water too quickly while they are panting hard.
When dogs pant heavily, it often indicates they are overheated or excited. Panting helps dogs regulate their body temperature since they do not sweat like humans. Instead, they cool themselves by breathing rapidly, allowing moisture from their tongue and the lining of their lungs to evaporate and lower their body temperature.
However, when panting is excessive, it can be a sign that your dog needs to cool down quite a lot before their body is regulated enough to hydrate.
One important guideline to follow is to wait until your dog has calmed down and reached a state of homeostasis before offering them water. Providing water to a panting dog too soon can lead to health issues, particularly in breeds with specific physical characteristics—such as those with deep chests and tucks in their bellies—where there’s a risk of stomach flipping, a condition known as bloat. You’ll notice these types of bodies in breeds such as Great Dane, Boxer, and Doberman Pinschers.
While seeing your dog pant heavily can be concerning, understanding how to manage their hydration and cooling process can prevent health risks. Always monitor your dog’s behavior after they have exercised or spent time outdoors, and remember that waiting until they are calm before providing water is essential for their health and happiness.